Joy to the Word SNEAK PREVIEW: Kaia Simon

“I was trying to pretend that everything was fine. I was sure that the glass eyes of the taxidermy animals lining the walls of the lodge could see right through my act.”

We are just days away from Joy to the Word 2020 Edition! Which means, of course, that it will be held virtually! Thankfully, that makes the show more accessible than ever! And FREE! Click here to register, and on Dec. 17 at 6:30, settle in for stories courtesy of former Wisconsin poet laureate Max Garland, UWEC’s Director of Multicultural Affairs Dang Yang, UWEC English Professor Kaia Simon, and writer Sarah Jayne Johnson, all accompanied and with original music by The Nunnery. Also featuring original visuals by Erik Elstran.

Read on for a sneak preview of Kaia Simon’s story!

Blount: Could you share a quote from your story?

Kaia Simon: Sure. The story is called “Singalong.”

“I was trying to pretend that everything was fine. I was sure that the glass eyes of the taxidermy animals lining the walls of the lodge could see right through my act.”

KB: Why did you pick this story? What makes it special to you?

KS: I chose to tell this story because it’s a significant and special holiday memory. It’s also a bittersweet memory. I wanted to reflect this feeling to our audience because I know many of us are facing challenges, and the 2020 holiday season will also probably hold some of those bittersweet memories. Sharing this story reminds me, and so I hope it will remind everyone, that there are also those moments of light and love amid the winters of our lives.

KB: Keeping with the theme, what is something in your world currently bringing you joy?

KS: I’ve never been happier to see holiday light displays than I am this season.