Hope Is Everything

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Danielle Severson


Hope is the thing we wish for daily

Hope is the eyes of faith

Hope is the thing that keeps us going in times of need

Hope is trials and tribulations

Hope is the thing that leads us to new beginnings

Hope is a thing that lets us enjoy the still moments

Hope is taking time to see the good in humanity

Hope is a blessing from a higher power

Hope is the thing that keeps us going in trying times

Hope is the thing I wake up too

Hope is the thing that allows us to breathe

Hope is the thing we see everyday

Hope is the thing that drives our passion forward

Hope is the thing that makes us love more fruitfully

Hope is the thing that energizes our souls

Hope is the thing that makes me get out of bed every morning

Hope lives in you and me

Hope is the thing that wakes the unconscious mind

Hope is the anchor to all our hearts desires

Hope is the thing that keeps us alive

Hope is everything


Danielle Severson is from the Coulee Region, is a writer, works at a T.V. station, wife, and mom.  She enjoys reading, yoga, and meditation.