Unpublished Beauties: Celebrating Rough Drafts at The Rough Draft Reading Series

Luke Gentile

Join us on May 1 to share your “unpublished beauties” at the inaugural Rough Draft Reading Series kickoff event, which will be held from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at 2 Roots Art & Wine Gallery, 216 South Barstow Street, Eau Claire, WI, 54701. No advance registration is required to read or attend. Just show up and we’ll share until our time runs out

The Rough Draft Reading Series was created by Katie Venit, a professional freelance writer and instructional designer at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire . 

Katie Venit agreed to answer the following questions in advance of the event.

Luke Gentile: What is the purpose of this event? And how does the event's name connect to that purpose?

Katie Venit: Getting the writing community together is always a reason for a get-together. But the specific purpose of this event is to give folks a chance to share with each other our works in progress--those unpublished beauties that haven't found a home in print yet. The popular retreats that the CVWG runs have always included an opportunity for folks to share informally something, either something they wrote on the retreat or that they came with. It's always a highlight of the event. And so we thought it would be fun to do that outside the retreats. Plus, I love hearing about what my friends are working on. We have such a variety of writers here in the Chippewa Valley.

LG: Is there a sign-up process for those who wish to participate?

KV: It'll be open-mic style, so people can sign up there on a sheet of paper. But all are welcome to attend even if they're not reading. Come and hang out and enjoy a beverage! 

 LG: Do you have any advice to decrease anxiety for participants?

KV: I've done a few readings, and I shake like a leaf before, during, and after each one. In fact, I'm halfway hoping so many people come that I won't need to read from my own WIP.  :)  It helps me to remember that everyone there has nothing but goodwill for readers. We're all there to have a good time, enjoy each other's company, and nerd out about writing. Absolutely no one is there to judge. 

LG: Could a participant share multiple pieces (if time allows)? And if so, could they share all their pieces at same time or do they have to sign up for a separate time slot?

KV: We're asking folks to limit their selection to no more than 5 minutes. If there's still time after everyone goes, sure, folks can read again. They can just put their name on the list again. 

LG: Should participants be prepared to share content warnings prior to reading their piece(s)?

KV: That's a good idea. I'd prefer if the readings were kept at a PG-13 level or below, anyway, but that's not a rule. It's a best practice for readings (unless you know in advance that the event welcomes strong content) to avoid topics that are likely to traumatize the audience.   

LG: Will this be a continual event, i.e., monthly, quarterly, annually?

KV: If it goes well, sure, we'll have it again! BJ and I talked about possibly having it twice a year. But we'll see how this one goes first.  
LG: Are there any fees required, i.e., entry fee, minimum purchase, etc.?

KV: Nope! No fees, although I have to say that 2 Roots offers some delicious beverages for purchase.  

LG: Is there additional information that should be shared?
KV: After the event, folks are welcome to stay longer and hang out! I turn into a pumpkin around 9 pm, but the wine bar is open until 11 pm.