Hope is The Thing: Easter, Plan B


Katherine Schneider

A corny Easter joke from Alexa reminded me I’d better get planning my Easter celebration.  The joke:

Q: What do you get when you pour tea on a rabbit?

A: A hot cross bunny!

Those of us who live with disabilities are used to planning and replanning on the fly. If something isn’t accessible, how can we make it work somehow? Is a daily question for us. Planning for Easter in the days of Corona, no problem!

I love Easter with its emphasis on resurrection and new life. In addition to the faith parts, there’s the friends and family, the food and the fun to be enjoyed. Some of my modifications this year:

I’ve ordered food a week ahead of time to be delivered before Easter. Hot cross buns are sometimes hard to find, so I have two people looking for them when they next go to the stores. If I get extra, I’ve already got friends in mind to share with. The friends and family will be greeted by calls or emails. No Easter lily, but the paper white narcissus I’m forcing should be blooming by Easter. 

Instead of attending services, there are many Facebook and YouTube choices (even at my convenience) in addition to the traditional radio and television options. I’ve already downloaded my favorite Easter hymn, “Jesus Christ Has Risen Today” from Freegal music to be played throughout the day.

As Rachael E. Goodrich said in her poem “Easter Is”, “Easter is…
Hoping, believing,
Reviving spent life,” May you have a blessed Easter, full of new life.

Katherine Schneider is a retired clinical psychologist and author. She blogs at http://kathiecomments.wordpress.com and has a column “Corona Chronicle” at www.cvpost.org